Kayaking and Hiking Excursion

Today was the best!!!! We went to a lake (Embalse del Porma) to try out kayaking.  It was many of the kids' first time in a kayak and one of them's first time in a lake!! I'm so glad we could introduce them to such a fun sport.  While some groups were waiting for their turn they had a swim in the refreshing water - what a beautiful location!!! One of the boys told Okado it was the best day of his life!!! [...]

Day Three - Excursion time!

We took the kids to Astorga today, and it was fabulous. We began by walking the Camino de Santiago (just 3KM), which is a dream for me. It was amazing to see something I've only read about, and seen in movies, with my own eyes. We visited a Roman museum next, and got a tour and watched a video of the ruins and the work that was done to preserve the artifacts. I'm a history nerd, so this was my favorite part. After [...]

Day 2 of Fun!!

Second full day. What a lovely day. The duel of the day was Debs' class vs Jen's class. The winner being Deb's!! Congrats to you guys.  We had class next where we wrote in our diaries. I am SOOOO IMPRESSED!! The writing skills of the students in my class is incredible! They wrote heaps, more than they were supposed to and the majority of it correct. A few problems with past tense but we worked on the later in [...]

Day Two is done!

First day with my new class!! I have the oldest group, and I'm expecting some great times with them. The older students are wonderful, because I can do a lot of conversation work with them. I have some smart and SUPER funny students. I feel like classes will fly by because we have a lot to talk about. They may be hard to handle at times, but it's nothing my Super Soaker can't handle! ;-) The students had to interview [...]

First Day of Camp!

What a Blast! It was our first day with the new kids, and I got to do level tests. I love giving the level tests because I get to meet the new students, spend time with them, and learn a little about their personalities. I learn what they do and don't like, and it's just a fun way to talk with everyone before classes start. The youngest ones are always the most interesting. It's usually their first day at camp. and [...]