Wednesday at camp!! Art and Climbing fun!!

Another busy day at camp is almost over!    Today was another exciting day. We started off with some stretching and then taught the kids the 'Cha Cha Slide' to much hilarity!   Then in English class my group learned all of the body parts and facial features! They traced one of their friends on a giant piece of paper and labeled all of their features and clothes.    In the arts/games group we [...]

Olympic Games!!!

Today we had our Camp Olympic Games - what great fun. 12 teams were chosen at random so we had a variety of ages in each. Teams competed in Volleyball, Football, Basketball, Relay races , Swimming and Trivia.   Teams had 30 minutes at each station. I was in charge of swimming. We started with a swimming relay race, then a 'bomb' splashing competition and then a freestyle jumping competition.    Morag [...]

Day 10 of fun!!!!!!!!!!

Day 10 was a nice relaxed day at the river. We started it with a mini hike to the river an once we got there we spread out and put out our blankets and lied down. Unfortunately the morning was a bit chilly but eventually the sun came out and it was warmer. We went for a walk to the waterfall which was lovely to see. We jumped off the diving board and swam in the river. Very cold water but worth it. We had a good [...]

It's Olympics Day!!

Sunday, July 10th -  Olympics Day at Camp! We had all kinds of activities: basketball, swimming relays, dive contests, football, even trivia! Every camper was sorted into 14 teams that raced around our very special course to complete every challenge.  Our campers fought hard and did their very best, but it was my own team, Gang Green, who came out victorious! Shout out to the other two teams for their hard [...]

Chasing Waterfalls...

Tuesday, July 12 Excursion Day to the river!! The entire camp took a trip to the mountains for a well needed break.  We climbed a little to see a waterfall, and spent the day swimming, diving, and catching some sun. Even I got a few rays, and I'm going back to camp much browner than when I left.  Excursions are great because I actually get to talk to the other kids, and my students can see me as someone [...]